About Us

We imagine shoes differently.
Pandere was created because our founder Laura – and millions of people just like her – can't fit into regular shoes. She has had lymphedema for most of her life and people like Laura need shoes that accommodate two feet that aren’t always the same size. This can be caused not only by lymphedema, but by a host of other conditions including pregnancy, diabetes, edema, bunions and many more.
Founder Laura Oden
CEO Laura Oden reveals the journey that led to the creation of Pandere, a company dedicated to providing innovative footwear solutions. Discover the personal motivation behind Laura's mission and learn the meaningful origins of the name Pandere: to Stretch, Expand, Unfold.
That's where Pandere comes in.
Our shoes are designed to expand in all the right places – toebox, midfoot and around the ankles. Until now, people with unique feet like Laura's have been forced to buy shoes a size or two too big. This can lead to a domino effect of other problems.
For us, a shoe that fits right, feels comfortable and looks good is non-negotiable.

Comfort Out of the Box
Expandable Heel, Midfoot, and Toebox
Expandable toe box, mid foot and ankle adjustments provide ample room and comfort. Designed specifically to alleviate foot pain and discomfort right out of the box.
We're not like other shoe companies.
All of us with hard-to-fit feet hit the same wall when it comes to finding comfortable shoes that actually FIT! We feel marginalized and ignored by shoe companies.
People with conditions that cause foot and leg swelling can be on an endless search for a shoe that fits. We get it! Without shoes that fit, you're relegated to less mobility, increased risk of abrasions, cellulitis and all kinds of discomforts or disasters.
Our mission: To give people their mobility and dignity back.
Our shoes expand in ways that off-the-rack shoes don't. With our patented expansion system, Pandere shoes are the world's first expandable footwear, designed to provide the comfort and confidence you deserve. Pandere Shoes is giving people their lives back.